縄文時代の竪穴式住居に着想を得て完成した、移動可能なインフレータブルパビリオン。 その中には、人間のヒューマニティスケールを体感できる、音を超えた感覚・振動を感じさせてくれる彫刻『mono-wide』が鎮座している。 『mono-wide』は、彫刻作品に向き合う際の人間と物質との関係性を音に応用し、彫刻家ならではのアプローチで制作された。 目に見えない 音の Masse(=量感) を感じ、楽器が奏でるような「ゆらぎ」のある音と対面する、新しい音響体験ができる。 パビリオン内のサウンドは、サウンドデザイナー・畑中正人氏とのコラボレーションによるもの。 胎内のような原初的な体験と、音の振動を通した人間の感覚の再発見、再認識を与えてくれるアートワーク。
mono-wide / プロダクトデザイン:design toka 飯田 智広, サウンドエンジニアリング:SOLJ
サウンドデザイン:畑中正人 Hatanaka Masato
Inspired by the pit dwellings of the Jomon period, this mobile inflatable pavilion houses the sculpture ‘mono-wide,’ which allows visitors to experience the humanity scale through sound and vibration beyond ordinary perception. ‘Mono-wide’ explores the relationship between humans and materials, applying sound in a sculptural context. This piece offers a new acoustic experience, allowing one to sense the invisible mass of sound and encounter the wavering tones akin to musical instruments. The pavilion’s sound design is a collaboration with sound designer Masato Hatanaka. This artwork provides a primal, womb-like experience, offering a rediscovery and reawakening of human senses through sound vibrations.
mono-wide / Product Design: designtoka Tomohiro Iida , Sound Engineering: SOLJ
Sound Design: Masato Hatanaka
Composer, sound designer. Self-taught in composition, piano, and acoustics, Masato Hatanaka moved to Sapporo in 1995. Exploring sound as entertainment and art, and sound design with a truly necessary social function, he has spent more than 25 years working on stage productions, events, commercials, and more. His output includes planning, conceiving, and directing the sound system for the Tokyo Skytree Tembo Gallerie and the theme music for the 10th Sapporo International Short Film Festival. His wide-ranging activities encompass everything from designing the sound for public spaces and electronic devices, to holding workshops and lectures.
Title | ISP. |
Artist | WA!moto. |
Year | 2024 |
Material | Nylon |
Size | W5000 × H4000 × D5000 mm |